A friend and fellow Llama, Kathryn Ricks, gave me a Stylish Blogger Award.
Along with the award came a list of things that I must do. First, and foremost, I need to thank Kath for giving me this award. Thank you, Kath, you made my day.
Second was to provide a link back to her blog. You can find her blog at http://kath-allthatscrap.blogspot.com. Be sure to take time to visit her blog. It is fantastic!
Third, I need to share eight things about myself. Hmm? Let me see if I can come up with eight.
1. I’m the mother of three grown sons.
2. Each of my boys was born in different states.
3. I have twelve grandchildren.
4. My oldest grandchild is 20.
5. My youngest grandchild is 17 months.
6. I’m addicted to coffee.
7. I’m addicted to stamping.
8. I’m a writer and poet.
Fourth is to pass this award to other worthy bloggers. While there are so many to choose from, the following are those I have chosen. I have been trying to place the award on their blogs but have not had any success. Hopefully, they will see this and know that I enjoy their blogs.
Stephanie: http://www.pleasepassthesnail.blogspot.com
Marsha, thank you so much for choosing me for the award. That just makes me so happy!